Since the release of New Super Mario Bros™ game in November last, Nintendo® was implanted in his games a new protection called BCA protection aims to defeat reading of game backup.
Indeed, BCA protection (or "Burst Cutting Area") in principle to verify if the disc is original or not from a small batch of data located at the end of the disc that can't be reproduced at the cutting step.
It is therefore necessary to patch the ISO image of these games that have such protection to manually enter this data sets.
Althought, for the read operation of these patched games can be done, it is required that the modchip was subject to a specific update.
In this connection, an update already exists for WiiKey 2™ modchip and we would expect the same for previous chips such as D2Pro™, D2Lite™ even WiiKey™ first name...
Only here, information taken from the manufacturer, no update is planned for these modchips, their development has been deserted (development teams of these modchips no longer work for them).
Faced with this heartless fact and knowing that we still have sold recently modified D2Pro™ consoles, we decided to offer our customers a discount to exchange their modchip not compatible with this new protection.
So you find our site a product sheet entitled Exchange Modchip Not BCA Compatible WII.
This exchange includes uninstalling the previous modchip fitted out your drive followed by installation of a WiiKey 2™ modchip BCA compatible and whose support by Team WiiKey is maintained.
We hope this gesture will allows the great majority to enjoy again, and for a long time, playing of their backup games.
We also hope to keep your trust and continue to offer quality support for your Wii™ modified consoles.